Writers write, right?

Hello, world!

It is going into week six in this new year and I am just now publishing my number one resolution. There are two reasons why I have not posted about my challenge until now. The first reason is fear. Fear can be a great motivator or paralyzing mental hiccup. The second reason is trying to find the intersection of what I want to do and what is practical. To rush into something and fail because of poor planning would be disheartening.

As you can read in the title I have chosen to write for my major New Year’s resolution. Listed below are the items I have come up with for this challenge. Once or twice a month I will write an update on how I am doing and what I have found useful. In doing this challenge I hope to answer a question I’ve had with me for a decade: am I a writer?


  • Write 329 days this year for a minimum of 20 minutes
  • Word count of 100,000 words or 200 hours by the end of the year
  • Enter 1 to 3 writing contests
  • Win at NaNoWriMo


  • Find a writing buddy – CHECK
  • Join a writer’s group
  • Possibly do 1 or 2 write-a-thons
  • Reach 10,000 words per month

If you have any tips, resources, or a personal story about writing you would like to share please feel free to comment. I look forward to seeing what people have to say.

Until next time,


7 thoughts on “Writers write, right?

  1. onenerdyowl says:

    These are great goals! I need to come up with something similar….Two tips I’ve gotten from others that I find work really well:
    1. Listen to the same or similar music whenever you write (Unless you like to listen to music that relates to the scene you are writing, which I do too)
    2. Write in a different font color every day, or whenever you change scenes. If you’re writing a sad scene write in dark blue, or grey….A happy scene orange, or yellow! =) Good luck with your goals! Can’t wait to hear how they work for you!

    Liked by 1 person

      • deniseclaas says:

        Yups, I will be enjoying the Nano Bug for my third year. Last year was my first success. I will be doing the Camp Nano experience as well, it’s a good exercise before the real deal.
        You can find me as … denise.claas, if you’d like a new buddy! Is it your first?

        Liked by 1 person

      • slothsandsweets says:

        Congrats on winning last year!

        I have created my NaNo account (I’ve sent you a buddy request) and am highly thinking about participating in the camp 🙂

        Do you have any tips on NaNoWriMo? Or some thoughts of what you did differently last year compared to the other years?


      • deniseclaas says:

        I wasn’t pregnant and trowing up 🙂
        The best way for me seems to be to combine a lot of prep work, with room for free writing.
        I asked advice in chat sessions, when I got stuck.
        And writing as much as I could in the first two weeks, helped me in the last two, when I got tired or life got in the way. I feel the need to write at the same times and use Timmy (In chat bot) to move me along in word sprints. But the thing is, everyone does it in a different way, and you need to find you own!


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